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Upcoming Visibility Webinar Series: Regulatory Oversight of Radiation Sources and Devices in Ghana

The Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), in partnership with the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA), is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar as part of our Visibility Webinar Series.

Event Details:
Topic: The importance of radiation safety and regulatory infrastructure, and the role of the NRA
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM

How to Join:
• Zoom Meeting ID: 959 2267 8285
• Passcode: 326086

Keynote Speakers and Moderators:
Host: Hon. Ophelia Mensah Hayford (MP), MESTI Minister
Moderator: Prof. Augustine Faanu, Director, Radiological and Non-Ionising Installations Directorate, NRA
• Speaker: Dr. Henry Lawluvi, Head, Non-Ionising Application Department, NRA

This webinar will provide valuable insights into the regulatory framework and oversight mechanisms for radiation sources and devices in Ghana. Our distinguished speakers will share their expertise and engage in a comprehensive discussion on this critical subject.

Follow Us: Stay updated with our latest news and events by following us on our social media platforms:

• Facebook: @mestighofficial
• Instagram: @mesti_ghofficial

Join us for this informative session and enhance your understanding of the regulatory landscape in Ghana. We look forward to your participation!