The core functions of the Ministry are to:
- Provide leadership and guidance for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation within the broad sector of the economy through sound policy formulation and implementation;
- Ensure the establishment of the regulatory framework and setting of standards to govern the activities of science and technology and the management of the environment for sustainable development;
- Promote activities needed to underpin the standards and policies required for planning and implementation of sound scientific and technological development activities;
- Ensure the coordination, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of activities of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation while fulfilling national benefits-sharing commitments;
- Set out the parameters required for programmes on environment, science, technology and human settlement in consultation with the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) in guiding the Districts Assemblies as the planning authorities at the local level;
- Analyse and coordinate all planned programmes as well as budgets in the environment, science, technology and innovation sector of the economy for purposes of achieving a single integrated management system;
- Initiate, simulate and coordinate research including the continuous development and review of policies, laws, rules and regulations in the environment, science, technology and innovation sector of the economy;
- Ensure effective environmental management and governance.