| Digital Address: GA-107-3073 |

+233 302 666 049

+233 302 666 049

Post Office Box M232 | Ministries, Accra Ghana

Digital Address: GA-107-3073

MESTI Client Service Charter

The Client Service Charter was developed in accordance with guidelines provided by the Office of the Head of Civil Service (OHCS) and the Management Services Department (MSD), taking into account feedback received from management, staff, and clients of the Ministry. It also outlines our service standards and the requirement for accessing the services. The prime focus of the Charter is to highlight to our clients, the various services offered by the Ministry, the procedures to follow to access them, and the time frame within which to obtain each service. The development of this Charter is also in line with our desire to operate in an open and transparent manner while ensuring that we monitor the delivery of the services provided to ensure consistency with our timelines.
